Made in India

Indian Products, Places and People

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[@Made in India]( has come back to life after many years. Promote Products, Places and People. Contact [@DACT Media]( Companies and Organizations are also welcome to become a Member. Promote your Firms and Business News by creating Brand Spaces. You can post here and see Private Posts if you are a Sponsor Member. Support DACT India as a [Sponsor Member]( - Yearly Fees Rs. 240,000. Leave a [Message here]( Sponsor Members can Access more Spaces and Content. Create their own Spaces with profile, posts, pages, files and galleries. They can also Promote Firms and Brands. ![](file-guid:e5d84af7-9d92-4cd3-9f2f-2930667a1f2d "Taj-Mahal.jpg")


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